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Main functions

The main high-level functions

parseLatex() print(<LaTeX2item>) print(<LaTeX2>)
Parse LaTeX code
Convert latex object into character vector


Functions to find and modify things

find_sequence() items_are_equal()
Find a code sequence
Find a pattern in deparsed items
find_whitespace() find_env() find_macro() find_catcode() find_tags() find_char()
Miscellaneous low-level finders
path_to() get_item() set_item() get_container() get_which()
Find path to a particular kind of item
Set items in a LaTeX2 object
find_bracket_options() bracket_options() `bracket_options<-`() find_brace_options() brace_options() `brace_options<-`()
Find or modify macro or environment options


Working with tables in the document

is_Tabular() find_tabular()
Functions related to parsing LaTeX tables
tableNrow() tableNcol() tableDim()
Calculations on tables
find_posOption() posOption() `posOption<-`() find_widthOption() widthOption() `widthOption<-`() find_columnOptions() columnOptions() `columnOptions<-`()
Functions related to table options.
find_tableContent() tableContent() `tableContent<-`()
Functions relating to the data content of a table
find_tableRow() tableRow() `tableRow<-`()
Functions to work with rows in tables
find_tableCell() tableCell() `tableCell<-`()
Work with table cells
find_rules() rules() find_rule() rule() `rule<-`()
Work with rules in tables
Convert vector to table row


Functions for working with parsed LaTeX

as_LaTeX2() latex2()
Coerce to LaTeX2
latexTag() catcode() envName() macroName()
Utility functions finding names and types of objects
is_env() is_macro() is_block() is_bracket() is_whitespace()
Test objects
get_contents() set_contents()
Convenience functions to get or set contents of item
drop_items() select_items() drop_whitespace() include_whitespace() split_list() split_latex() new_block()
Miscellaneous utilities
Remove excess whitespace recursively


Some more documentation

parseLatex-package parseLatex_pkg
The parseLatex package
LaTeX2range() print(<LaTeX2range>)
Ranges within LaTeX2 lists.
Convert vector to items
The default "catcodes" used by parseLatex.
Retrieve source from beyond the end of the document.