These functions provide the implementation for various *3d functions designed for users to call.

rgl.abclines(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, a, b = NULL, c = NULL, ...)
rgl.planes(a, b = NULL, c = NULL, d = 0, ...)
rgl.clipplanes(a, b = NULL, c = NULL, d = 0)
rgl.sprites(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, radius = 1, 
            shapes = NULL, userMatrix, fixedSize = FALSE,
            adj = 0.5, pos = NULL, offset = 0.25, 
            rotating = FALSE, ...)
rgl.spheres(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, radius, fastTransparency = TRUE, ...)


x, y, z

Coordinates of points

a, b, c

Coordinates of the direction vectors for the lines, or normals for the planes.


Plane offset.


Size of sprites or spheres.

fixedSize, rotating

Fixed size, changing orientation.


Sphere drawing strategy.

adj, pos, offset



Material properties.


See the corresponding *3d function: abclines3d, planes3d, clipplanes3d, sprites3d, spheres3d.