These functions take a user orientation matrix from an RGL scene and approximate the parameters to either lattice or base graphics functions.
A matrix in homogeneous coordinates to convert.
The lattice package can use Euler angles in
the ZYX scheme to describe the rotation of a scene
in its wireframe
functions. The
function computes these angles
based on rotm
, which defaults to the current
user matrix. This allows RGL to be used
to interactively find a decent viewpoint and
then reproduce it in lattice.
The base graphics persp
function does
not use full Euler angles; it
uses a viewpoint angle, and assume the z axis
remains vertical. The rglToBase
computes the viewpoint angle accurately if the
RGL scene is displayed with a vertical
z axis, and does an approximation otherwise.
returns a list suitable to
be used as the screen
argument to
returns a list containing
and phi
components which
can be used as corresponding arguments in persp
persp3d(volcano, col = "green")
3D plot
if ((hasorientlib <- requireNamespace("orientlib", quietly = TRUE)) &&
requireNamespace("lattice", quietly = TRUE))
lattice::wireframe(volcano, screen = rglToLattice())
if (hasorientlib) {
angles <- rglToBase()
persp(volcano, col = "green", border = NA, shade = 0.5,
theta = angles$theta, phi = angles$phi)