These functions allow an RGL scene to be embedded in a Shiny app.
rglwidgetOutput(outputId, width = "512px", height = "512px")
renderRglwidget(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, outputArgs = list())
playwidgetOutput(outputId, width = "0px", height = "0px")
renderPlaywidget(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, outputArgs = list())
The name for the control.
Width and height to display the control.
An R expression returning
a rglwidget
(for renderRglwidget
) or a playwidget
(for renderPlaywidget
) as output.
The environment in which to evaluate expr
Is the expression already quoted?
A list containing arguments; see details below.
Use rglwidgetOutput
or playwidgetOutput
as an output
object in a Shiny user
interface section; use renderRglwidget
or renderPlaywidget
as the render
function in the server section.
In a dynamic R Markdown document with runtime: shiny
, you
only call the render function, and may optionally pass width
and height
to the output function by putting them in
a list in outputArgs
. See the example below.
Used internally by Shiny.
if (FALSE) {
# This could be used in a dynamic R Markdown document. See
# demo("shinyDemo") and demo("simpleShinyRgl") for Shiny apps.
sliderInput("n", label = "n", min = 10, max = 100, value = 10, step = 10)
n <- input$n
plot3d(rnorm(n), rnorm(n), rnorm(n))
}, outputArgs = list(width = "auto", height = "300px"))