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The formatters package provides methods for displaying and breaking up tables into smaller pieces.





A tabular object.


The formatters package provides a matrix_form generic function for S4 objects. "tabular" objects are S3 objects, so it won't dispatch to this function, which must be fully specified when called.


Duncan Murdoch with help from Gabe Becker.


if (requireNamespace("formatters")) {
  Sex <- factor(sample(c("Male", "Female"), 100, replace = TRUE))
  Status <- factor(sample(c("low", "medium", "high"), 100, replace = TRUE))
  z <- rnorm(100) + 5
  fmt <- function(x) {
  s <- format(x, digits=2)
  even <- ((1:length(s)) %% 2) == 0
  s[even] <- sprintf("(%s)", s[even])
  tab <- tabular( Justify(c)*Heading()*z*Sex*Heading(Statistic)*Format(fmt())*(mean+sd) 
                  ~ Status )
  mform <- matrix_form.tabular(tab)
  page <- 1
  cat("Page ", page, " Full table\n\n")
  # This shows automatic pagination, breaking up the
  # table by rows
  byrow <- formatters::pag_indices_inner(formatters::mf_rinfo(mform),
                              rlpp = 2,
                              min_siblings = 1)
  for (i in seq_along(byrow)) {
    mform2 <- matrix_form.tabular(tab[byrow[[i]], ])
    page <- page + 1
    cat("\nPage ", page, " Rows", byrow[[i]], "\n\n")
  # This gives the breaks by columns, counting the
  # row label columns.  
  # The formatters::vert_pag_indices function had an incompatible
  # change in v0.5.8
  if ("fontspec" %in% names(formals(formatters::vert_pag_indices)))
    bycol <- formatters::vert_pag_indices(mform, cpp = 30,  rep_cols = 2,
                                        fontspec = NULL)
    bycol <- formatters::vert_pag_indices(mform, cpp = 30,  rep_cols = 2)
  # Display the table with both kinds of breaks
  for (i in seq_along(byrow)) {
    rows <- byrow[[i]]
    for (j in seq_along(bycol)) {
      cols <- bycol[[j]]
      cols <- cols[cols > 2] - 2  # cols includes the row labels
      mform3 <- matrix_form.tabular(tab[rows, cols, drop = FALSE])
      page <- page + 1
      cat("\nPage ", page, "Rows", rows, "column", cols, "\n\n")
#> Loading required namespace: formatters
#> Page  1  Full table
#>                          Status         
#>                  high     low     medium
#> ————————————————————————————————————————
#> Female   mean    5.39     5.04     4.93 
#>           sd    (0.84)   (0.92)   (0.90)
#>  Male    mean    5.07     5.16     4.62 
#>           sd    (0.92)   (0.97)   (0.84)
#> Page  2  Rows 1 2 
#>                          Status         
#>                  high     low     medium
#> ————————————————————————————————————————
#> Female   mean    5.39     5.04     4.93 
#>           sd    (0.84)   (0.92)   (0.90)
#> Page  3  Rows 3 4 
#>                        Status         
#>                high     low     medium
#> ——————————————————————————————————————
#> Male   mean    5.07     5.16     4.62 
#>         sd    (0.92)   (0.97)   (0.84)
#> Page  4 Rows 1 2 column 1 
#>                 Status
#>                  high 
#> ——————————————————————
#> Female   mean    5.39 
#>           sd    (0.84)
#> Page  5 Rows 1 2 column 2 
#>                 Status
#>                  low  
#> ——————————————————————
#> Female   mean    5.04 
#>           sd    (0.92)
#> Page  6 Rows 1 2 column 3 
#>                 Status
#>                 medium
#> ——————————————————————
#> Female   mean     4.9 
#>           sd    (0.9) 
#> Page  7 Rows 3 4 column 1 
#>               Status
#>                high 
#> ————————————————————
#> Male   mean    5.07 
#>         sd    (0.92)
#> Page  8 Rows 3 4 column 2 
#>               Status
#>                low  
#> ————————————————————
#> Male   mean    5.16 
#>         sd    (0.97)
#> Page  9 Rows 3 4 column 3 
#>               Status
#>               medium
#> ————————————————————
#> Male   mean    4.62 
#>         sd    (0.84)