These functions give information about the attributes of RGL objects. is the more “user-friendly” function; rgl.attrib.count is a lower-level function more likely to be used in programming. = ids3d("all", 0)$id, attribs = NULL, showAll = FALSE)
rgl.attrib.count(id, attrib)



One or more RGL object ids.


A character vector of one or more attribute names.


Should attributes with zero entries be shown?


A single attribute name.


See the first example below to get the full list of attribute names.


A dataframe containing the following columns:


The id of the object.


The full name of the attribute.

nrow, ncol

The size of matrix that would be returned by rgl.attrib for this attribute.


Duncan Murdoch

See also

rgl.attrib to obtain the attribute values.


id <- points3d(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100), col = "green"), showAll = TRUE)
#>      id     attrib nrow ncol
#> 1  1498   vertices  100    3
#> 2  1498    normals    0    3
#> 3  1498     colors    1    4
#> 4  1498  texcoords    0    2
#> 5  1498        dim    0    2
#> 6  1498      texts    0    1
#> 7  1498        cex    0    1
#> 8  1498        adj    0    3
#> 9  1498      radii    0    1
#> 10 1498    centers  100    3
#> 11 1498        ids    0    1
#> 12 1498 usermatrix    0    4
#> 13 1498      types    0    1
#> 14 1498      flags    1    1
#> 15 1498    offsets    0    1
#> 16 1498     family    0    1
#> 17 1498       font    0    1
#> 18 1498        pos    0    1
#> 19 1498   fogscale    0    1
#> 20 1498       axes    0    3
#> 21 1498    indices    0    1
rgl.attrib.count(id, "vertices")
#> [1] 100

merge(, ids3d("all"))
#>      id   attrib nrow ncol       type
#> 1  1496   colors    3    4      light
#> 2  1496    flags    2    1      light
#> 3  1496 vertices    1    3      light
#> 4  1497    flags    4    1 background
#> 5  1497 fogscale    1    1 background
#> 6  1497   colors    1    4 background
#> 7  1497  centers    1    3 background
#> 8  1498   colors    1    4     points
#> 9  1498  centers  100    3     points
#> 10 1498 vertices  100    3     points
#> 11 1498    flags    1    1     points