This function sets user mouse callbacks in R or rglwidget displays.

                 begin = NULL, 
                 update = NULL, 
                 end = NULL, 
                 rotate = NULL,
                 javascript = NULL, 
                 subscene = scene$rootSubscene$id,
                 scene = scene3d(minimal = FALSE),
                 applyToScene = TRUE,
                 applyToDev = missing(scene))



Which button should this callback apply to? Can be numeric from 0:4, or character from "none", "left", "right", "center", "wheel".

begin, update, end, rotate

Functions to call when events occur. See Details.


Optional block of Javascript code to be included (at the global level).


Which subscene do these callbacks apply to?


Which scene?


Should these changes apply to the scene object?


Should these changes apply to the current device?


If applyToScene is TRUE, this function adds Javascript callbacks to the scene object. If applyToDev is TRUE, it adds R callbacks to the current RGL device.

For Javascript, the callbacks are specified as strings; these will be evaluated within the browser in the global context to define the functions, which will then be called with the Javascript this object set to the current rglwidgetClass object.

For R, they may be strings or R functions.

Both options may be TRUE, in which case the callbacks must be specified as strings which are both valid Javascript and valid R. The usual way to do this is to give just a function name, with the function defined elsewhere, as in the Example below.

The begin and update functions should be of the form function(x, y) { ... }. The end function will be called with no arguments.

The rotate callback can only be set on the mouse wheel. It is called when the mouse wheel is rotated. It should be of the form function(away), where away will be 1 while rotating the wheel “away” from you, and 2 while rotating it towards you. If rotate is not set but other callbacks are set on the wheel “button”, then each click of the mouse wheel will trigger all start, update, then end calls in sequence.

The javascript argument is an optional block of code which will be evaluated once during the initialization of the widget. It can define functions and assign them as members of the window object, and then the names of those functions can be given in the callback arguments; this allows the callbacks to share information.


Invisibly returns an rglScene object. This object will record the changes if applyToScene

is TRUE.

If applyToDev is TRUE, it will also have the side effect of attempting to install the callbacks using rgl.setMouseCallbacks

and rgl.setWheelCallback.

See also

setAxisCallbacks for user defined axes.


Duncan Murdoch


  # This example identifies points in both the rgl window and
  # in WebGL
  verts <- cbind(rnorm(11), rnorm(11), rnorm(11))
  idverts <- plot3d(verts, type = "s", col = "blue")["data"]
  # Plot some invisible text; the Javascript will move it
  idtext <- text3d(verts[1,,drop = FALSE], texts = 1, adj = c(0.5, -1.5), alpha = 0)
  # Define the R functions to use within R
  fns <- local({
    idverts <- idverts
    idtext <- idtext
    closest <- -1
    update <- function(x, y) {
      save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
      rect <- par3d("windowRect")
      size <- rect[3:4] - rect[1:2]
      x <- x / size[1];
      y <- 1 - y / size[2];
      verts <- rgl.attrib(idverts, "vertices")
      # Put in window coordinates
      vw <- rgl.user2window(verts)
      dists <- sqrt((x - vw[,1])^2 + (y - vw[,2])^2)
      newclosest <- which.min(dists)
      if (newclosest != closest) {
        if (idtext > 0)
          pop3d(id = idtext)
        closest <<- newclosest
        idtext <<- text3d(verts[closest,,drop = FALSE], texts = closest, adj = c(0.5, -1.5))
    end <- function() {
      if (idtext > 0)
        pop3d(id = idtext)
      closest <<- -1
      idtext <<- -1
    list(rglupdate = update, rglend = end)
  rglupdate <- fns$rglupdate
  rglend <- fns$rglend
  # Define the Javascript functions with the same names to use in WebGL
  js <-
   ' var idverts = %id%, idtext = %idtext%, closest = -1,
         subid = %subid%;
     window.rglupdate = function(x, y) { 
       var   obj = this.getObj(idverts), i, newdist, dist = Infinity, pt, newclosest;
       x = x/this.canvas.width;
       y = y/this.canvas.height;
       for (i = 0; i < obj.vertices.length; i++) {
         pt = obj.vertices[i].concat(1);
         pt = this.user2window(pt, subid);
         pt[0] = x - pt[0];
         pt[1] = y - pt[1];
         pt[2] = 0;
         newdist = rglwidgetClass.vlen(pt);
         if (newdist < dist) {
           dist = newdist;
           newclosest = i;

       if (newclosest !== closest) {
         closest = newclosest
         var text = this.getObj(idtext);
         text.vertices[0] = obj.vertices[closest];
         text.colors[0][3] = 1; // alpha is here!
         text.texts[0] = (closest + 1).toString();
         text.initialized = false;
     window.rglend = function() {
       var text = this.getObj(idtext);
       closest = -1;
       text.colors[0][3] = 0;
       text.initialized = false;
  js <- sub("%id%", idverts, js)  
  js <- sub("%subid%", subsceneInfo()$id, js)
  js <- sub("%idtext%", idtext, js)
  # Install both
                    begin = "rglupdate",
                    update = "rglupdate",
                    end = "rglend",
                    javascript = js)

  # This example doesn't affect the rgl window, it only modifies
  # the scene object to implement panning
  # Define the Javascript functions to use in WebGL
  js <-
  '  window.subid = %subid%;
     window.panbegin = function(x, y) {
       var activeSub = this.getObj(subid),
           viewport = activeSub.par3d.viewport,
           activeModel = this.getObj(this.useid(, "model")),
           l = activeModel.par3d.listeners, i;

        this.userSave = {x:x, y:y, viewport:viewport,
        for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
          activeSub = this.getObj(l[i]);
          activeSub.userSaveMat = new CanvasMatrix4(activeSub.par3d.userMatrix);
        } = "grabbing";
     window.panupdate = function(x, y) { 
        var objects = this.scene.objects,
            activeSub = this.getObj(subid),
            activeModel = this.getObj(this.useid(, "model")),
            l = activeModel.par3d.listeners,
            viewport = this.userSave.viewport,
            par3d, i, zoom;
        if (x === this.userSave.x && y === this.userSave.y)
        x = (x - this.userSave.x)/this.canvas.width;
        y = (y - this.userSave.y)/this.canvas.height;
        for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
          activeSub = this.getObj(l[i]);
          par3d = activeSub.par3d;
          /* NB:  The right amount of zoom depends on the scaling of the data
                  and the position of the observer.  This might
                  need tweaking.
          zoom = rglwidgetClass.vlen(*par3d.zoom;
          activeSub.par3d.userMatrix.translate(zoom*x, zoom*y, 0);
     window.panend = function() { = this.userSave.cursor;

js <- sub("%subid%", subsceneInfo()$id, js)

scene <- setUserCallbacks("left", 
                 begin = "panbegin", 
                 update = "panupdate", 
                 end = "panend", 
                 applyToDev = FALSE, javascript = js)