Draws 3D mesh objects in full, or just the edges, or just the vertices.
dot3d(x, ...) # draw dots at the vertices of an object
# S3 method for mesh3d
dot3d(x, ...,
front = "points", back = "points")
wire3d(x, ...) # draw a wireframe object
# S3 method for mesh3d
wire3d(x, ...,
front = "lines", back = "lines")
shade3d(x, ...) # draw a shaded object
# S3 method for mesh3d
shade3d(x, override = TRUE,
meshColor = c("vertices", "edges", "faces", "legacy"),
texcoords = NULL, ...,
front = "filled", back = "filled")
a mesh3d
additional rendering parameters, or for
and wire3d
, parameters to pass
to shade3d
should the parameters specified here override those stored in the object?
how should colours be interpreted? See details below
texture coordinates at each vertex.
Material properties for rendering.
The meshColor
argument controls how material colours and textures are interpreted. This parameter
was added in rgl version 0.100.1 (0.100.27 for dot3d
). Possible values are:
Colours and texture coordinates are applied by vertex, in the order
they appear in the x$vb
Colours are applied to each edge: first to the segments in the x$is
matrix, then
3 edges of each triangle in the x$it
matrix, then the 4
edges of each quad in the x$ib
matrix. This mode
is only supported if both front and back materials are
, and the mesh contains no points.
Colours are applied to each object in the mesh: first to the points, then the segments, triangles and finally quads. The entire whole face (or point or segment) receives one colour from the specified colours.
Colours and textures are applied in the same way as in rgl versions earlier than 0.100.1.
Unique partial matches of these values will be recognized.
If colours are specified but meshColor
is not
and options(rgl.meshColorWarning = TRUE)
a warning will be given that their
interpretation may have changed. In versions 0.100.1 to 0.100.26
of rgl, the default
was to give the warning; now the default is for no warning.
Note that since version 0.102.10, meshColor =
is only allowed when drawing lines (the
default), and it may draw
edges more than once. In general, if any rendering
draws twice at the same location, which copy is visible
depends on the order of drawing and the
Whether points, lines or solid faces are drawn is determined in 3 steps:
If arguments "front"
or "back"
specified in the call, those are used.
If one or both of those arguments are not specified, but the material properties are present in the object, those are used.
If values are not specified in either of those
places, shade3d
draws filled surfaces,
draws lines, and dot3d
draws points.
Note: For some versions of rgl up to version 0.107.15, rule 2 above was not respected.
, wire3d
, and shade3d
are called for their side effect
of drawing an object into the scene; they return an object ID (or vector of IDs) invisibly.
See primitives for a discussion of texture coordinates.
, par3d
, shapelist3d
for multiple shapes
# generate a quad mesh object
vertices <- c(
-1.0, -1.0, 0,
1.0, -1.0, 0,
1.0, 1.0, 0,
-1.0, 1.0, 0
indices <- c( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
wire3d( mesh3d(vertices = vertices, quads = indices) )
3D plot
# render 4 meshes vertically in the current view
l0 <- oh3d(tran = par3d("userMatrix"), color = "green" )
shade3d( translate3d( l0, -6, 0, 0 ))
l1 <- subdivision3d( l0 )
shade3d( translate3d( l1 , -2, 0, 0 ), color = "red", override = FALSE )
l2 <- subdivision3d( l1 )
shade3d( translate3d( l2 , 2, 0, 0 ), color = "red", override = TRUE )
l3 <- subdivision3d( l2 )
shade3d( translate3d( l3 , 6, 0, 0 ), color = "red" )
3D plot
# render all of the Platonic solids
shade3d( translate3d( tetrahedron3d(col = "red"), 0, 0, 0) )
shade3d( translate3d( cube3d(col = "green"), 3, 0, 0) )
shade3d( translate3d( octahedron3d(col = "blue"), 6, 0, 0) )
shade3d( translate3d( dodecahedron3d(col = "cyan"), 9, 0, 0) )
shade3d( translate3d( icosahedron3d(col = "magenta"), 12, 0, 0) )
3D plot